Who are the Democrats ?


The next few pages were designed as a condensed version of history, meant to touch mainly on certain seminal events leading up to the present state of society in America. The intent is not to argue about who is right or wrong, but simply show it, piece by piece. Because of the mainstream media’s determination to leave out much of what goes on in the world from their news gathering, including the years doing so before the time of Bush, because of a school system which has itself become determined to teach a certain type of moral values to children while leaving out another type, the average citizen needs to be either informed or reminded about how we got here.


A large contingent of liberal leaders have been ideologically opposed to the Constitution and the liberties contained therein for well over a hundred years. Their numbers grew stronger and more determined with the Communist overthrow of Russia in 1917. They set out and managed to purchase back then major newspapers in America, then later radio and television stations.


Correcting History


Democrat president, 1913:

First Democrat of the century, Woodrow Wilson, elected on a split ticket when Theodore Roosevelt (a Republican) ran against an incumbent Republican president. That maneuver gave the country into the hands of a Democrat with a mere 41.8 percent of the vote. That Democrat then promptly gave away control of the nation’s money to a brand new privately owned bank (the Federal Reserve) which meant that a few rich and powerful individuals around the world could profit from the interest charged on loaning America’s enormous wealth to Americans. To this day the press has never informed citizens that the right to make money off their fortune was given away.

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: First permanent income tax, the same year, 1913.

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: Diplomacy failing, World War I begins in Europe, 1914.
DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: US enters W.W.I, 1917. After promising to keep the nation out of war to get himself re-elected in 1916 (and amidst lies about German “atrocities”), Woodrow Wilson sends Americans to Europe. 116,000 die. By the war’s end, every significant monarchy in Europe had been destroyed, which may itself provide a clue about the true purpose of the First World War. The tendency of the press to engage in shenanigans is diminished in the presence of a sovereign power.


DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: Communists overthrow the monarchy in Russia, 1917, gaining their first base of power on Earth for anything longer than a few months previously achieved in France. The Czar, his wife, four young daughters and one son, unarmed, are executed in the basement under a barrage of gunfire so that no heir to the throne would remain. The communists were roundly praised by liberals in America and throughout the world.

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: Oversaw Versailles Treaty formally ending W.W.I. Said to have strutted around Europe, preaching, annoying numerous leaders, ignoring the requests of others. The treaty is later universally blamed for causing W.W.II because of the unrealistic reparation demands placed on Germany. France was said to be that consumed with a desire for revenge. President Wilson either failed to grasp the long-term ramifications, or went along for other reasons. He also got denied the hope of signing away a portion of U.S. sovereignty when Republicans in Congress refused to join the League of Nations, Wilson’s pet project.

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT, the very next one, elected 1932, makes his first diplomatic act extending official recognition to the communist government of the Soviet Union. Began public welfare, 1935, leading to an epidemic of fatherless children, teenage gangs, overflowing prisons, divorce, child abuse and poverty unlike ever recorded. By the year 2002, eighty percent of black children were born into homes without a father. Poverty can not be listed as the cause given the fact that before welfare (even though most people had less money), crime, illegitimacy and divorce were far lower. While the church based charities formerly held recipients accountable, thus in effect forcing their ascension into maturity, the government program not only all but eliminated the church role, but miserably failed the very people it was claiming to rescue. Why? Because the liberal Democrat mind refuses to acknowledge the basic tenets of human nature. If allowed to live off the work of others, significant portions of the population will do so.  

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: WWII begins in Europe. Could have been easily prevented by first not taking part in the economic decimation of Germany following WWI, then holding Adolf Hitler to treaty provisions with respect to military matters. In fact, going over actions taken by Roosevelt before Pearl Harbor make it fairly plain to many historians that an American president intended to and did back the Japanese government into a corner economically until a proud Japanese emperor would naturally resort to war. Pearl Harbor a surprise? A banner headline on page one of the Honolulu Advertiser days before December 7th, 1941 said the Japanese were expected to launch war against the US within a week. Images of the paper are available today.

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: US enters WWII. 292,000 American battle deaths. Europe is decimated.
DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: Refused, like Europe, to accept Jews fleeing Germany.
DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: Forced Japanese Americans to relocate to and live inside internment camps for the duration of WWII.


DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: Quietly agreed to allow Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union to take over the countries in eastern Europe at the close of WWII, stealing the freedom of millions for 45 years, assigning them decades of misery, murder and poverty. Estimates are that Stalin may have killed 20 million of his own citizens while in power. Some range far higher. No records were kept. Democrats in Congress and the press, along with many of the famous actors in Hollywood, praised Stalin for his visionary form of government, ignoring reports of atrocities time after time. Fourteen million Polish citizens were evicted from their own country, forced to make new homes in Germany. Four million of them never made it. For years, New York Times reporter Walter Duranty simply lied about the reality behind the Iron Curtain, and won a Pulitzer Prize for the effort. Those hoping for corrections on the nightly news remain waiting.

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: Dropped an Atomic bomb on a Japanese city (1945), then another one a week later. Right or wrong, it’s instructive to recall who made the decision.

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: China is lost to a new group of Communists (1949) WHILE receiving U.S. military aid, and soon becomes a powerful threat to and enemy of the United States while denying freedom of speech, religion and birth choices to her citizens. Subsequent reports reveal how Truman secretly delayed support to the Nationalist army fighting Mao’s communists. They would later back the North Vietnamese government in a war that cost more than 58,000 American lives, a war that ended when Democrats in Congress curtailed funding despite the United States having converted the home effort from one of American troop involvement (Democrat decision) to one of just monetary support (Republican decision) keeping the South from being overrun.

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: Put first troops in Vietnam, then added 300,000 more.
DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: Took very shaky evidence about a purported Gulf of Tonkin incident to Congress in order to be granted authority to expand that war. Audiotapes released many years later revealed that within weeks the president himself had serious doubts about whether the incident ever occurred.

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT: Possibly the only president ever (Bill Clinton) to commit treason by accepting illegal campaign contributions from a foreign government, then allowing precious missile guidance technology to be sold to that country (China). Richard Nixon had been guilty of covering up a burglary at a Democratic Committee office to search for documents illegally obtained by the Democrats. Bill Clinton in all likelihood damaged the security of his own country. Which one did the press hound until the public began believing? While indeed spreading gallons of ink writing about Monica Lewinski, the national news networks repeatedly covered up a massive criminal operation conducted by Bill Clinton and his friends.

1. Illegal IRS audits of his enemies.
2. Illegally obtaining FBI background files, then blackmailing political opponents.
3. Giving taxpayer money to help Enron build plants around the world.
4. Massive solicitation of illegal campaign contributions.

5. Repeatedly lying about the intentions and plans of political opponents.

6. Scaring old people, the poor and minorities into believing the most outrageous lies about Republicans. This category alone could go on for pages.
7. Much as supporters like to say otherwise, numerous convictions were obtained against those working for Clinton.


Number of associates who were convicted of or plead guilty to crimes: 47.
Number of congressional witnesses pleading the 5th Amendment: 72.
Number of witnesses fleeing the country to avoid testifying: 17.
Number of foreign witnesses who refused interviews by investigative bodies: 19.
Number of indictments/misdemeanor charges: 61.
Number of people sent to prison: 14.
Number of witnesses and critics of Clinton subjected to IRS audit: 45

Numerous individuals claimed to fear for their lives. At least one was given FBI protection. Charges of rape against the president, though deemed to be credible by nearly everyone investigating the matter, were thoroughly covered up by the national press, actually mocked by the LA Times. Dan Rather would later say he barely recalled hearing about the special feature that did actually get aired on NBC (though without promos beforehand and even then only after intense pressure from people who know of their investigation).

“Even if it...turns out to be true, it happened a long time ago and...they’ve gotta be figuring maybe, just maybe the American public has heard all they want to hear about this and are saying, you know, ‘Next, let’s move on to the next thing.’” – Dan Rather on Imus in the Morning, February 23, 1999, in response to a question about the rape charge.

“Even if IT (rape) turns out to be true…” says Dan Rather, maybe we should just move on.

"If we could be one-hundredth as great as you and Hillary Rodham Clinton have been in the White House, we’d take it right now and walk away winners...Thank you very much, and tell Mrs. Clinton we respect her and we’re pulling for her." - Dan Rather, talking via satellite to President Clinton about his then new on-air partnership with Connie Chung as co-anchor of the CBS Evening News.

Not one Democrat in the Senate voted for impeachment. Not one Democrat demonstrated a willingness to examine the evidence of rape against Juanita Broaddrick made available to them. With the help of the press, Clinton left office enjoying widespread public approval, above 60 percent.

DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS, including Al Gore Sr: Voted AGAINST the Civil Rights Act of 1964, then lied about it. The press refused to tell America about the votes of Al Gore Sr. during the 2000 presidential campaign, along with those of Al Gore Jr. While eager to repeatedly describe the personal problems of Bush relatives, the press flatly ignored the legal problems of Al Gore’s son and uncle during the campaign, much as they had virtually ignored the cocaine trafficking arrest of Clinton’s brother years earlier. Many, many other events were ignored.


Millionaire members of Congress are more likely to be Democrats than otherwise.


1. To the delight and applause of President Carter, the Shah of Iran was overthrown by Islamic fundamentalists who then went on to train and equip terrorists to bring mayhem around the globe, including the murders of Americans. To Carter and many other Democrats, the Islamists were sympathetic figures, perhaps largely because they vigorously denounce the United States as a belligerant world power. 


Carter failed at lone rescue attempt of 444 American hostages taken by the same radicals he quietly allowed into power. They were held for over a year. Carter attempted a rescue. The mission ended in dismal failure with helicopters grounded in a sand storm.


The Republican candidate for President, Ronald Reagan, loudly criticized by the press in America (and of course Democrats) made known quite clearly his full intention to get the hostages back plenty quick if elected to the presidency. Tellingly, the Iranian Islamists released every hostage on THE VERY DAY Mr. Reagan was given the oath of office. The string of failures by President Carter didn’t prevent him from loudly criticizing George W. Bush on a variety of topics a quarter century later.


2. Nicaragua taken over by Communists. Citizens lose the right to choose their own religion. Many are killed. Carter, the Democrats and Hollywood elite praise the Communists, many of them inviting Nicaragua’s new dictator to visit the US, where he is given the royal treatment.

3. While trying to appear caring, accepted thousands of refugees from Cuba, which allowed Fidel Castro to empty out his prisons and send the felons to America.

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENTS, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton:

Gave away control (Carter) of the American-financed, strategically vital Panama Canal even though taxpayers had long ago paid for that land. It was subsequently taken over by the Communist government of China while another Democrat (Clinton) held the office of president. China regularly practices missile warfare games with the United States as its target and has already stated an expectation to be at war with the US sometime within the next 20 years.


1. Tried to force all Americans into a Communist style healthcare system that would have imposed JAIL time for any that sought out medical care on their own.

2. Appointed an activist, wild-eyed liberal ACLU attorney to the highest court in the land from where she could make decisions, forcing Americans to live by the moral relativism and lack of regard for the Constitution embraced by the left.


3. Fearing not enough hostile nations possessed nuclear capability, in 1994 gave North Korea two nuclear power plants in exchange for a deal they would be nice and stop shipping missiles to other hostile countries. It took until a Republican president came into office for news to come out that North Korea had broken their much-believed promise about not using the technology to develop a nuclear bomb. At that point Democrats blamed Bush for insulting the North Korean dictator, quietly advancing the notion that somehow he had developed a nuclear weapon in a few weeks after Bush called the nation one member of the “axis of evil.” The Nobel committee, unable to figure out a way to register their hatred for a non-liberal president who actually attempted to advance freedom around the world, in 2002 gave a belated Nobel Peace Prize to Jimmy Carter for his part in the 1994 agreement. One of the Nobel members let it slip out that by the way, they were also impressed with Carter’s criticism of George W. Bush.

4. Rushed the citizenship process for a million aliens before the 1996 election because statistics indicate the majority end up voting for Democrats. It would later be discovered that many of them were felons or carriers of contagious diseases. Before that election also helped the press promote a lie about black churches being burned, as if a wave of racism by those rascally Republicans stood at the core. Small facts like Synagogues and white churches also being burned were quietly left out of the frantic series of news stories during the months leading up to the election.

5. Started a war against a Christian nation (Serbia) to help a Muslim nation (Albania) steal away part of Serbia. The Albanian Muslim KLA was widely known to be operating an international drug cartel. Network news anchors like Dan Rather set up camp in Kosovo to build support for the war.


They also said nothing in 1998 when Clinton and the Democrats passed another WAR resolution against IRAQ, many many of the Clinton team speaking publicly about the NEED to overthrow Saddam Hussein. The President himself is on record giving a speech promoting precisely that. So was the Democrat Majority Leader of the Senate, Tom Daschle, along with Vice President Al Gore and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.


When Bush asked for the same terms in 2002, Democrats and the press worked day and night to turn American opinion against a war resolution. ABC News alone gave 80 percent of its coverage to critics of the Bush proposal. Suddenly reports of how Hussein allows the rape of women and cuts off the heads of those who oppose him were absent from news stories. Neither could one find any mention of the Democrat quotes from Clinton officials asking for the exact same war. A cry went out from across the land that we must enlist the UN as a partner. Clinton’s invasion and destruction of Serbia was done despite UN opposition, a fact impossible to find on nightly national newscasts four years later.

6. Did nothing, along with the UN, while half a million people were slaughtered in Rwanda, 1994.

7. Did nothing while militant Islamists bombed the World Trade Center in New York, 1993, and two American embassies overseas. Well, he did bomb an aspirin factory in Africa and a tent in Afghanistan while the impeachment trial was taking place.

8. Pulled weapons inspectors out of Iraq.

9. While the Democrats tried to frighten the world into worrying Ronald Reagan would start WWIII, he ended up using the military less than Bill Clinton would starting just four years later, even though the Cold War ended before Clinton took office.

10. Issued deceitful and incorrect reports about the economy through the Commerce Department in the months before the 2000 election, misleading voters about an economy that had been declining for more than a year. Friends in the press cheerfully played along, then began providing real economic figures just before Bush took office.

11. Played host to a lying terrorist (Yasser Arafat) at the White House more than any other foreign leader, and convinced the nation of Israel to accept that man back into their country in the name of compromise. Clinton left office trying to get the Israelis to give up significant chunks of their teeny country (one-twentieth the size of Oregon) to give Palestianians (who are actually Arabs) a “homeland” despite surrounding lands that share religion, language and nationality with the Palestinians owning a land mass 300 times larger. Jews were evicted from Arab countries after the 1948 war for independence, in which a group of hostile neighbors attacked Israel from every side. To this day, showing up to Jordan, Saudi Arabia and others with a passport that has been stamped by entry into Israel will get a person denied the right to visit those Arab places. Democrats can be found nearly always siding with the Arabs when fighting flares up in the ongoing conflict, leaving evangelical Christians as essentially the stronghold of support on planet earth for the people of Israel to have their own homeland after two thousand years of wandering and being slaughtered in the lands belonging to others.


12. Among his group of suspicious pardons while office were two groups of known terrorists from the Puerto Rican FALN.

DEMOCRAT PRESIDENTS, various: Allied with the two major teacher’s unions, have year in and out refused to demand better standards while the American public school system fell from one of the best in the world to one of the worst, while textbooks began lying to students about history and even science.

SUPREME COURT JUSTICES appointed by Democrat presidents:

1. Banned prayer in schools.
2. Banned Bibles in schools.
3. Banned discussion of God in schools.
4. Allow innocent children to be taught a preposterous, and scientifically impossible lie that a Big Bang and evolution accounted for their existence even though, scientifically speaking, the odds are far more likely that a sudden miracle produced creation. In other words, ironically enough, using the Law of Statistical Probability, it actually requires more faith to believe in spontaneous generation and evolution than the Holy Bible. Coming full circle, today it is the scientists and Democrats refusing to allow science to be taught in public schools. A lie is of course acceptable. The press has remained quiet.

5. Forced American children into a busing program so that blacks and whites couldn’t choose where they wanted to attend schools.

6. Outlawed the death penalty. Decision subsequently overturned by Supreme Court Justices appointed by Republican presidents. Went further, allowing thousands of dangerous criminals back onto the streets in the name of pop-psychology, which naturally led to innocent people again being victimized, even killed.

7. Four of nine US Supreme Court justices (all liberals) sided with the 100 percent Democrat-controlled Florida Supreme Court in its outrageous effort to change laws and steal the 2000 election for Al Gore by agreeing to add discarded votes ONLY from counties with Democrat majorities. This country’s national press corps (who voted overwhelmingly for Bill Clinton, according to surveys, and every Democrat presidential contender before and after Clinton) refused to tell citizens what really took place in the Florida Supreme Court. What really took place was frightening.

8. Gave abortion doctors permission to surgically terminate the pregnancy of a 12 year-old girl without the need to contact her parents, even though the procedure could cause death or sterilization.


1. Passed a law (the Boland Amendment) forbidding a Republican president from helping the citizens of a Central American country defend themselves against a Communist army attempting a takeover.


To this day, the biggest complaint liberals inside and outside the media have about Reagan is the so-called Iran Contra scandal. What they don’t want people to know is that President Reagan’s worst crime, were his participation to ever be proven, would be that he went around the Democrat majority communist sympathizers in the United States congress in order to actually help the people of Nicaragua defend themselves despite the Boland Amendment.


2. Held up or smeared the judicial nominees (Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, Charles Pickering, etc.) of Republican presidents because those candidates did not think enough like Democrats.


3. Throughout the years have resisted a missile defense system for America, with the insane argument that it might provoke other countries.

4. Prevented Republicans from adding to new voter laws (after the 2000 election) a provision requiring identification before voting, despite ongoing reports of massive voter fraud during elections.


5. Worked with their friends in the press to blame a Republican president for Enron even WHILE evidence was surfacing placing Clinton at the scene of the crime, even though zero evidence ever turned up implicating George W. Bush.

6. Worked for years to dismantle the CIA and reduce spending for Defense, then tried to blame Bush for inadequate preparation leading up to the 911 attack on the World Trade Center.

7. Held up the president’s nominee to head the FBI for nine months, finally completing the process less than a week before the 911 attacks, six months before blaming that president for not properly preparing for an attack.

8. Support legal abortions for your 12-year old daughters with no necessity whatsoever to notify the parents. They criticize opponents of such a position, calling them anti-choice. Abortions are the only act of choice Democrats advocate. Tax relief, private schools, protecting cities by guarding the borders, exposing the lie of evolution in schools, and firearms ownership for self protection are areas where Democrats decide choice is not such a great idea afterall. Men must under no circumstances have any choice in abortion decisions, even though their own offspring can be terminated without reason, even though a judge can force a man to work HIS body for 20 years to support a child, all depending on what only the woman chooses.

9. Refused to appoint a judge to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in 2002 because she once upheld a state law to inform parents before an elective surgical abortion was performed on their young daughter.


Continually lie to Americans about gun statistics. Attempting to outlaw private gun ownership, they fail to admit that more children are killed driving in cars with their parents, swimming in the family pool or by accidentally falling. They refuse to note the millions of crimes prevented and lives saved because of guns. They refuse to report mass killings when knives are the only weapons used. They refuse to acknowledge that every city legalizing concealed weapons in recent years has seen an immediate and dramatic decrease in crime. Liberals and the press have together succeeded in getting citizens to accept gun forfeiture in both England and Australia. Both countries have endured an increase in crime since then. Japan, where guns have long been outlawed, has also experienced significant increases in crime during recent years. The press doesn’t want you to know that.

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (one of 12 courts under the Supreme Court), a panel of justices appointed by Democrat presidents: Banned the Pledge of Allegiance because of the phrase, “under God.”

Democrat City Council, Los Angeles:
Passed a law preventing the LAPD from contacting the INS about illegal aliens, even after being convicted of crimes.

Democrat City Councils across the land:
Insisted school children be taught that homosexuality is an equal alternative to heterosexuality. Allowed representatives from lesbian and gay groups into the schools to speak with children on down to the fourth grade. They say anyone who complains is intolerant and homophobic.

Democrat state congressmen from California:
Passed a bill to issue driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. It was vetoed by the governor while running for re-election. He then eventually signed a revised version with even weaker provisions

Democrats across the land:
Defend illegal immigration with a lie by stating they only take jobs nobody else wants.

The truth: The multi-billion dollar construction industry has been thoroughly taken over by illegal aliens, depriving millions of US citizens of a traditional source of high paying blue-collar work.

The truth: Rents and home prices have skyrocketed because of their willingness to put multiple families in one home and pay higher rent.

The truth: Prisons are bubbling over with illegal aliens convicted of serious crimes. Gang warfare has escalated exponentially coinciding with the influx of illegal aliens.

The truth: Welfare expenses have grown beyond imagination because of the policy that illegal aliens can not be denied taxpayer money for rent help, medical care, food and cash.

The truth: Schools in Los Angeles, Miami, New York and numerous other cities are forced to construct new buildings and raise local taxes to pay for the millions of children from the families of illegal aliens.

The truth: American citizens can not enter Mexico and obtain any of the rights or benefits their citizens are granted in the US. In fact no other nation allows millions of illegals to enter its population without medical, employment and criminal background checks.

The truth: A powerful and growing movement within the Mexican community claims a natural right to own and possess the Southwest, including California, Arizona and more. Democrats line up behind them. The story is that the land was stolen from them by Americans more than a hundred years ago. Yet they overlook how Spain originally took over all of Central America and the south United States from the natural inhabitants in the first place. Therefore, were the government to give the territory back to its earliest residents, that would not be to the people of Mexico anyway. But, teaching proper history is not the goal of Democrats and the press. Their goal is to destroy the roots of the American nation, replacing them with something else. This has nothing to do with the nationality of anyone involved. It has everything to do with deceitful politicians and a thoroughly corrupt political party, and a lying press.

The truth: Eighty percent of the Mexican community votes for Democrats, which helps explain why American laws are repeatedly ignored by the very people paid to enforce them.

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT: Freed the slaves, at the sacrifice of many American lives including, ultimately, his own.

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT: Ended the Vietnam War.
REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT: Dared to call the Soviet Union an “evil empire.”
REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT: Defeated the Soviet Union without firing a shot directly at them.
REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT: Fought the onset of increasing American Socialism.
REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT: Prevented well-funded communists from taking over South and Central America.

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT: Appointed Supreme Court justices who overturned many of the decisions imposed on America during the 1960’s and ‘70’s.

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT: Appointed the first female Supreme Court justice.

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT: Appointed the first black Secretary of State.

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS, all: Work to return money to the taxpayers, not simply for the purpose of reducing taxes but to keep that money out of the hands of Democrats. With billions of dollars and the power obtained after the press helped them get in office, Democrats have been able to put their allies in charge of massive bureaucracies, grant favors to unions and various organizations and thereby solidify their stranglehold on the people and schools of America.

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS, all: Have been forced by Democrat majorities in Congress to go along with social programs like Medicare, but remain aware of how the cost of medical care is kept artificially high due to the government subsidizing that industry. Before such giveaway programs people could afford to pay their own doctors. There was even such a thing as home visits by doctors.

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS, all: Work to uphold the US Constitution and the cause of freedom therein offered to citizens, keeping federal government out of their lives as much as possible, except for the cause of national defense, highways and other interstate necessities. They believe schools and police protection are operated far more efficiently by city governments with the oversight of the local community members who care most about the operations of those organizations.


Thanks to the information elite controlling what citizens hear and thereby how they vote, even Republicans have been growing more accepting of socialist style programs, globalism and relaxed immigration standards, which merely serves to grease the path toward eventual, perhaps inevitable, destruction of the greatest country ever created. Honest conservatives are generally ignored come election time, though will be and have been hacked to death in the media when necessary due to the very few who managed to achieve their own publicity through other means.

The reason so few people know all of this is because the national news networks were obviously taken over by deceivers many years ago. We call that circumstantial evidence. It can be used to obtain a guilty verdict in a court of law. Though it sounds preposterous and conspiratorial, the facts are voluminous, difficult to refute, impossible to deny.

The list below represents some of the most influential national liars.

The Washington Post
The New York Times
The Los Angeles Times
National Public Radio
Pacifica Radio

ABC: Good Morning America, World News Tonite, 20/20, Prime Time and Nightline.
NBC: Today, The Nightly News and Dateline.
CBS: The Early Show, The CBS Evening News and 48 Hours.
CNN: All programming.

“Munich had become a magnet for right wing radicals, including Hitler.” – Peter Jennings, The Century, a documentary.

PETER JENNINGS is a national newscaster, the anchor of ABC’s World News Tonight, and a committed liberal Democrat, originally from Canada.

Adolf Hitler does not fit into the right wing of the political spectrum from any logical perspective. If anything he stands at the extreme edge of the Left wing, a polar opposite to the right wing. The German acronym “Nazi” itself is derived from the term Socialism. The German leader outlawed private gun ownership, favored a massive central government that controlled among other things education and industry. His policies restricted religious freedom and classified citizens according to race. He tormented his enemies, including the intellectuals trying to engage him in legitimate debate, and produced endless streams of manipulated news stories designed to mislead the public.

Overlooking the wars and murders for the sake of comparison in the political arena alone, his ideas (along with many of his techniques) if anything actually fit quite nicely into the platform advocated by the liberals that make up the modern Democratic Party in America, which renders his odd transformation at the hands of a liberal journalist quite curious.

And then this:

“Hampered by the inefficiencies that were endemic to centralized economies, the Soviet economy was unable to compete with the West. The increasingly conservative, aging leadership proved incapable of understanding the need for dramatic economic reform. The leadership had no answer to the long lines, shortages, corruption, and other symptoms of economic decline that characterized the Soviet economy in Brezhnev’s last years.”

From 1967 to 1982 Andropov was chairman of the KGB, the Soviet secret police. Under Andropov the KGB became more efficient, increased its international espionage efforts, and maintained control over attempted liberal movements within the country. – Encarta Encyclopedia, 2000. Microsoft Corp.

BILL GATES, the richest man in the USA, is also smitten with the liberal side of politics. For whatever reason, he has published an encyclopedia that miraculously transforms another group of far-left wing liberal socialists into conservatives. It is estimated that 20 million Soviet citizens were either murdered or starved to death while the socialists (who called themselves communists, the final stage of socialism) were in power. They had also banned private gun ownership, outlawed religious practices, taken over all schooling, eliminated the right to own property and placed the central government in charge of industry, all policies far closer to the political inclinations of the Left than anywhere else. It is certainly worth asking why these powerful people are trying to confuse the political affiliations of two of history’s most depraved governments.

About property ownership in the US: If a person is required to make yearly payments to the government, or else the government WILL take away that property, then he doesn’t actually own it in the first place, now does he? In fact, the Democrats have already long ago removed the true right of home and land ownership in America. What’s left is merely the right to possess property for as long as you want, just so the payments are kept up.



In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed upin the single sentence: Abolition of private property.” – Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and Frederic Engels, 1848.

A few excellent sources of honest news remain, labeled as such not because they disagree with liberalism, but rather because they allow both sides to make a case on the air or in print.

They are:

1. The Fox News Channel on cable. Begun in 1995, it is now generally available worldwide, Canada being one of the few notable exceptions.
2. WorldNetDaily.com
3. NewsMax.com
4. CNSNews.com
5. FrontPageMag.com
6. EagleForum.com
7. The Hugh Hewitt radio show. (hughhewitt.com)
8. The Michael Medved radio show. (michaelmedved.com)
9. The Michael Savage radio show. (michaelsavage.com)

10. The Laura Ingraham radio show. (lauraingraham.com)
11. The Rush Limbaugh radio show. (rushlimbaugh.com)
12. The Larry Elder radio show. (larryelder.com)

And there are others. Not to forget DrudgeReport.com, where the blue dress story (hidden from the public by Newsweek) got introduced to the world.

Final note: By the end of the 20th century, many political analysts were unable to find any significant difference between the platform of the Democratic Party and that of the Communists and Socialists. The Democrats are more clever though, foregoing revolution to work from inside a free country to destroy it. To reach their goal, it was first imperative to gain control of schools and the most influential news outlets. That phase has already been accomplished.

For the many showered with nothing but Socialist / Communist indoctrination for years, it’s useful to take a moment to include a short description of the two political systems, which are essentially the same, except for minor details. Without arguing for or against either, one must realize they are, if nothing else, a forced way of living. Freedom is history. Forced not to become rich, forced not to become poor. Should you choose to work 12-hour days in an effort to improve your standard of living, Socialism would deny that choice. Other choices are soon “assumed” by the government.

The Democrats advocate a form of Socialism-lite, allowing certain variations while still prohibiting the choice to mind your own business, live on a ranch, support your family and stay out of the affairs of others. The “Lite” version is more easily swallowed by the citizens of a country. Afterward one always finds increased government encroachment into the lives of the people, year by year. To accomplish social engineering, agencies must take money from those who earn it, and give it to others. Some call that theft. And you must deny freedom, the freedom to choose one’s own doctor for instance. The health care plan proposed by the Clintons and favored to this day by the media is no different. Buying yourself better medical care would become illegal, punishable by time in jail, since it is said to be unfair that some would have it better than others.

The ideal of Communism unfortunately suffers from a refusal to acknowledge human nature. Sometimes people need to become destitute, sometimes they need to suffer, for their own growth. Lacking the guidelines of common sense in those systems, and suffering the resultant folly of massive failure throughout the range of social programs, Democrats and world Socialists have always ended up being forced to prevent the truth from reaching the public. One of the most significant forms of truth about human nature has always come from the Bible, and the free exercise of religion. As of this day, and for nearly 80 years, ACLU attorneys have been marching from city to city suing local governments to get any form of religion removed from public places, having already won that battle in the public schools. Their recent efforts have likewise been mostly successful. One of their more brilliant strategies has been to get the federal government involved in more and more aspects of everyday life. Beyond the monetary angle, the federal involvement then allows the pagan left to march in with ACLU attorneys and demand removal of all references to God. Very clever.

“We may have to find some marvelous middle ground between capitalism and communism. .... While each nation has distinctive problems, for the United States the first priority of the new order must be a revision of the educational system to ... guarantee that each of our citizens will have equal resources to share in the decisions of the democracy, and a fair share of the economic pie." -- Former CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite, quoted in a January 21, 1996 Los Angeles Times Magazine profile by Newsday TV writer Verne Gay.

The Democrats would not have been able to attain so much power were it not for their allies in the mainstream press. The combined force those two groups represent should not be underestimated.


A disclaimer: These words should not be construed as those of one who is blindly devoted to the Republican Party. That camp leaves a lot to be desired. The difference is where some Republicans are wimpy and unimaginative, oftentimes lousy at debate and not always sufficiently informed, the problem with Democrats is of another magnitude. Though it sounds outrageous, their own words and deeds easily and repeatedly leave careful observers with the impression that Democrats not only hate the Constitution, despise individual freedom and work against all wisdom as set forth in the Bible but find themselves cheerfully willing to lie to their fellow citizens about everything they stand for. To me, that is evil, placing them in a distinct category. If it weren’t for the clever and treacherous role of the press, along with the votes of good-hearted but gullible citizens, Democrats would have no power. Fighting lies with truth, as usual, may help win back some of the lost ground.


Copyright: Randal S. contact: ellrio@hotmail.com